German-French Kindergarten "Kita SieKids"
German-French Kindergarten "Kita SieKids"
Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
Dates: 01.03.2025 – 28.02.2026
Deadline to apply: 12.10.2024
The french-german daycare center "Kita SieKids Villa Pusteblume" is located near the city of Karlsruhe. The kita hosts 83 children divided in 6 groups, from the age of 6 months to 6 years. The day care centre is open to all children, no matter what nationality or social background they have.
The bilingual pedagogical offer of the Kita aims to promote social skills, strenghtening the personality and supporting independence and creativity of the child. The team of educators speaks both German and French and blend both languages while being with the children, so that they can grow up in a bilingual environment. The core of the educational offer is that the interests of the children are being supported by the educators and the volunteers.
Additional excursions to museums, the city, parks or playgrounds and cooperations with other institutions take place: it is essential in the pedagogical concept that the children are in contact with nature and surroundings as much as possible.
34 hours in the Kita:
- Supporting the educators in one group of children in their daily activities
- Accompanying the children in free play and excursions
- Taking part in reflections and discussions with colleagues
- supporting the kitchen (preparing, cleaning after breakfast and lunch),
- Optional - realizing your own activity with the children
4 hours in the KJW:
- Attending feedback meetings
- Helping with the organisation of intercultural events and attending them. These are mostly in the evening.
- Organizing your own event about your culture and/or knowledge in a specific field, such as sport, art, music, university studies... This will be part of a cycle of events called „Livin‘ Culture“. You want to check out previous events? Have a look at our ESC volunteers Instagram profile!
Bonus activity: become a youth leader in summer camps
- The KJW offers a pedagogical training to become youth leader. As the training takes place in 3 weekends, you have the free choice to attend it if you are interested in the field.
- After the training, you have the opportunity to become a summer camp youth leader. Summer camps take place in and outside of Germany and last between one and two weeks. The camps are an amazing chance for you to work and travel for free at the same time.
In addition to the general benefits as stated above, you will receive the following:
- free lunch in the Kita
- the opportunity to attend a free course as a youth leader, including a first aid course, climbing course and the chance to work and travel in Germany or Europe
- an international environment in the Kita and at home and the possibility to spread your own passions in dedicated events
- Creative and open minded
- Possessing a basic knowledge of German and/or French (preferred but not mandatory)
- Motivated in working with toddlers (age 0-3) and all the connected duties
- Willing to organize events and present your own culture and knowledges
- Excited in sharing an international environment and flexible when it comes to integration